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Double Chin Reduction

The fullness often seen under the chin due to accumulated fat cells is called a double chin. Many people dread this condition because it makes a person look like they have two chins. Excess fat often builds up around the neck or under the chin, which leads to this condition. Some of the body areas that are treatable with Kybella double chin reduction include:




What Is Double Chin Reduction?

An ideal treatment option that works exceptionally well in removing stubborn fat cells under the chin or the central neck is called KYBELLA®. If you are under 40 years old, you are an eligible candidate for this procedure. Both mild and excess fat cells are removable with this fat removal technique. Kybella is a non-surgical procedure administered through injections. Once injected, the treatment breaks down and neutralizes stubborn fat cells in the injection site. The treatment will then eliminate excess fat gradually through natural metabolic processes.

A patient may need several KYBELLA® injections over a month apart to produce the best desirable results. However, you need to know that keeping a stable weight is paramount after double chin reduction treatment because fat cells don’t generate naturally. Once you have achieved your desired shape, you may not need further treatment sessions. If a patient’s double chin is caused by a combination of fat and excess skin, our experts may recommend surgical procedures such as a neck lift to make the results more effective. This fat removal treatment for removing the double chin works very well. However, since KYBELLA® doesn’t shrink the skin, people with high skin elasticity are likelier to get the best results.

How Does Double Chin Reduction Work?

Our board-certified plastic surgeons at Beverly Hills Med Spa clinic in Los Angeles, conveniently and comfortably administers the KYBELLA™ procedure. After double chin reduction treatment in los angeles a patient will start noticing fat reduction under the chin, including a well-defined jawline that makes a face look more proportioned and slimmer. If you want to get it, you need to inquire about chin liposuction cost Los Angeles in advance.

The first thing that will happen during a non-surgical double chin removal is that the doctor will sterilize the neck and the chin areas. The doctor will then use an ultra-fine needle to inject the deoxycholic acid-based solution into the treatment area to target stubborn fat built up along the jawline or below the chin.

Targeting areas of the “double chin” fat, our experts will inject Kybella to eliminate all the fat cells that have formed around the neck and under the chin. This will sculpt the jawline to give it a smooth, tight appearance. The patient’s fat reduction goal will determine the number of Kybella injections.

The treatment area needs a numbing agent to minimize pain and discomfort during the chin liposuction in Los Angeles. The chin area with excess fat is injected using a very fine needle. The injected solution neutralizes the fat’s ability to form in the treatment area, and excess fat will eventually fade away.

During the treatment, Kybella will break fat cells immediately after administration. In most cases, the treatment will only take 15 to 20 minutes. However, since the needs of patients vary, it may take longer or shorter to perform this procedure.

Once our experts finishes the Kybella treatment, the patient can return to their usual daily routine. Weeks after the treatment, the Kybella injection will destroy fat cells as the person continues performing regular duties. The dead fat cells will be removed through the body’s metabolic process. Your needs will dictate the number of Kybella double chin reductions near me.

Beverly Hills Med Spa Difference

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Cost Of Double Chin Reduction

Cost of Double Chin Reduction ($1,500)

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Some Of Our Happy Customers

Beverly Hills Med Spa has a highly trained medical professionals team with outstanding results and individual care for every patient out there. Consequently, it won’t come as a surprise when our patients speak to people about our services. Have a glance at some of the reviews mentioned by our clients below:


Who performs the treatments?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed RN (registered nurse), who is trained to professionally administer the Potenza, PicoSure, PRP, Botox and Filler treatments. Facials are performed by a licensed esthetician.

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Why Choose Double Chin Reduction

Why do many people choose to have the KYBELLA® chin reduction therapy? It is a reliable and ground-breaking revolution in fat elimination, which is why many people struggling with double chin conditions choose to have it. Below are some of the benefits the KYBELLA injection offers patients:

    • It is easy, quick, and convenient to perform. Within 20 minutes, the treatment is over in most patients.

    • The treatment doesn’t cause any pain.

    • The treatment is safe and doesn’t cause any significant side effects. The FDA approves it with only minor swelling and bruising will diminish within one to two weeks of treatment.

    • It does not need any downtime for healing and recovery.

    • It works effectively. Many patients claim to see a dramatic fat reduction in the treatment area within six weeks.

    • Produces a permanent result. After the treatment, fat cells will be destroyed and never reappear in the treatment area, barring major weight gain.

    • KYBELLA does not involve any surgery, incisions, stitches, or scarring.



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